You are Robert Sands. You have 50 Hit Points and 42 Experience Points. You have 15 Action Points remaining. Your safehouse is the Burchell Arms, here.
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You are in your safehouse at the Burchell Arms, an abandoned pub. The doors to the street have been left wide open. Also here are The Comedian, Sirius Halliday, Trashcan'Man, Sara M, Pan D'emonium, Officer Murphy, bowl of celery soup, Kikashie, Ben Scott, Chris Brynner, Black Glass, Pirate Doug, esashby, superconnorman, Darrenheihei1, Scott Albom, world 'globe, Mushroom01, MonocleSmile, Arthur Swan, John MacReilley, apoc51, Leag Ristrin, Frozen Frosting, He's dead Jim, Go Penguin, Vandy, Moe Szyslak, Fay Finch, PonchoZero, Carl Pilkington, TedBundy187, tarkin307, Miss Miki, Big P From Shields, Frank Howard, Major Azzhole, Ninja13, MysticBigfoot, Roy Mullins, Ed Zeplin, little brown girl, Count Istvan Teleky, JexHexHammer, everyone in here, The Bad, ssbloom5, Duchesne, Dudly DoRight, zomb of norg, mr sigmund 2, Zomb of Borg, LigmaSigma, Gay Operator, Mr Chudd, Alice Gravesend, AManWearingAHat, Zomies Must Win, the UD server, zerodysseus, canopener, Bawnjorno, Rotten Ray, endisnigh, Lady iQ Plus, WhatUpDoc, Mourndark, BlueStorm46, Karl Pilkington, AndyMatthews, Akira Takahashi, Officer Sheaffer, Urban Deceased, Barney C, The'Undertaker, Mister Anonymous, ewefluffypup, Masumi Minogue, Abi Suhono, Hell's Belles, photovikg, MJaller, Tobeon, Clay Morrow, Axeman89, Dingers the 2nd, Corusk, James Clearwater, Rockefella Plaza, jaggeddragon, MrGomez, MovingMad, Nick Self, minced beef face, Michael Bridgewater, DanceDanceRevolution and Mortenmensch. A portable generator has been set up here. It is running, and powering a radio transmitter that's currently set to 27.53 MHz. The bar has been decorated with two stuffed moose heads, five European paintings, a carved pumpkin, a stuffed lion head, a stuffed fish, a stuffed tiger head and two stuffed monkeys. Somebody has spraypainted Watch the End of Malton on the Button71 Youtube onto a wall. There is a group of nine zombies here. Possible actions:
Inventory (click to use): You are 92% encumbered. |