03/11/2025 17:05:01
Rolt Heights

Carl Pilkington Fay Finch Zomies Must Win Ed Zeplin angly168 ...
1 zombie
You are Hell's Belles. You have 60 Hit Points and 932 Experience Points. You have 45 Action Points remaining.
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You are inside the Burchell Arms, an abandoned pub. The building has been very strongly barricaded. There is a crowd of 60 survivors gathered here. [list names]

A portable generator has been set up here. It is running, and powering a radio transmitter that's currently set to 27.53 MHz. Green Christmas lights decorate the room. The bar has been decorated with a stuffed moose head, five European paintings, a stuffed lion head, a stuffed tiger head and two stuffed monkeys.

Somebody has spraypainted Gather here: https://discord.gg/GHwWFRKHqJ onto a wall.

There is a lone zombie here. It's Graan Zanz.

Since your last turn:

  • Dingers the 2nd said "Cleared Otto revive point." (8 hours and 35 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured at Rockefella Plaza. (8 hours and 31 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "B!G MANBAGZ!!" (8 hours and 30 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured at one of the zombies. (8 hours and 30 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "Amaz!ng zang, brazzarh!! Magn!b!zanh z!ng!ng g!bz mah n!z zarbrh!hz" (8 hours and 29 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured at Dingers the 2nd. (8 hours and 29 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "BARH MAH, HARMAN. G!nn!zz, bhrh!!z." (8 hours and 28 minutes ago)
  • Nick Self said "Can I give it a little stroke?" (8 hours and 26 minutes ago)
  • Dingers the 2nd said "Cleared Otto revive point." (8 hours and 20 minutes ago)
  • Dingers the 2nd said "One Guinness. I don’t do shamrocks." (8 hours and 18 minutes ago)
  • Jared Tylec said "Ain't this a sight to see, haven't seen this many people in one spot in over a decade." (7 hours and 56 minutes ago)
  • Axeman89 said "It's good to see fellow vets of the long fights for Creedy and Caiger. We resurrected them countless times, what's one more apocalypse?" (7 hours and 45 minutes ago)
  • Tobeon said "Turned on the lights at St Ninian's Hospital.. didn't want it to be dark at the end of the world." (7 hours and 16 minutes ago)
  • Chris Brynner said "What a beautiful rendition of the classic, zambah hranz! Truly magnificent!" (6 hours and 52 minutes ago)
  • Chris Brynner said "ANd with that broken piano to accompany the gargling I was sure Freddie Mercury himself had risen from the grave. Wait!? You're not him, are you?!" (6 hours and 48 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "Maaaah m!hghahg brangz zambahz !n za bazaarh, mah gang rh!gh, !z n!zarh zan garz, bang rh!gh, !z n!zarh zan garz, mah gan g!zz ga, bah rh haz ganna barg" (6 hours and 40 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "BAR manz! Zhangz mah brazzarhz, za BAR arh amaz!ng harmanz. Manah habbah mamarh!hz, manah nammah bra!nz, gabz Babba Rabba." (6 hours and 39 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "Narh BRANG MARH ZGAGH" (6 hours and 38 minutes ago)
  • Nick Self said "Shall we let in more zombies? These two are very entertaining." (5 hours and 46 minutes ago)
  • Chris Brynner said "Yes! I think my universal translator can do with some more input. Although that milkshake song was a little lewd, no?" (5 hours and 25 minutes ago)
  • Tobeon said "More the merrier I say!" (5 hours and 15 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured at the lights. (5 hours and 9 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "!Z GHR!ZHMAZ" (5 hours and 9 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "Habbah Ghrh!zhmaz harmanz. Mah gang ganna gab MARR!H BARHAHMAZ" (5 hours and 8 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "G!ngrh Bahz, G!ngrh Bahz, G!ngrh arh za hra! Ah za n!z !h !z !nz!hb z!z harman barn barhah!! G!ngrh Bahz, Bahman zmahz, Rab!n maag an agg. Za Bahmab!h brahg !hz rh!!h, anh Gh!agarh ran ara!h, ha!h.!!" (5 hours and 7 minutes ago)
  • A zombie tore a set of Christmas lights down. (5 hours and 6 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "!z nah Ghrh!zmhaz, ! Am za Grh!nzh, mahahaha!!" (5 hours and 6 minutes ago)
  • A zombie tore a set of Christmas lights down. (5 hours and 5 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "Aggghhh... Za manah, ganna ZZZ narh. Grh!!n !z n!z." (5 hours and 5 minutes ago)
  • Nick Self said "Say Aggghhh again, mother fucker!" (4 hours and 4 minutes ago)
  • Nick Self said "Maybe we can teach it rudimantary English somewhat like a monkey?" (4 hours and 3 minutes ago)
  • Nick Self broadcast "What we got here is a failure to communicate." from here, on 27.53 MHz. (3 hours and 58 minutes ago)
  • A flare was fired 10 blocks to the west and 3 blocks to the north. (2 hours and 43 minutes ago)
  • A flare was fired 10 blocks to the west and 2 blocks to the north. (2 hours and 41 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "n⎠gger n⎠gger n⎠gger" (2 hours and 35 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "A portable generator has been set up here. It is running" (2 hours and 16 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "but not for long" (2 hours and 16 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "not for long" (2 hours and 15 minutes ago)
  • Chris Brynner said "With the Brynner Information System's Universal Translator (™)" (2 hours and 12 minutes ago)
  • Chris Brynner said "Zamghr is quite easilly translated. If I'm not mistaken, the one named Graan sang a Barhahmaz song and then turned into the Grinch before tearing down the lights." (2 hours and 7 minutes ago)
  • Officer Sheaffer said "*Rubs throat* Getting garroted by tinsel? How erotic, but I fear, dear, I'm not the only victim of this foreplay." (2 hours and 7 minutes ago)
  • Officer Sheaffer said "Also, Chris is correct. The other zombie sang Bohemian Rhapsody, and both zombies are honored guests." (2 hours and 6 minutes ago)
  • Chris Brynner said "You should all get a Brynner Information System Universal Translator (™), but I'm afraid I left the other prototype in Kempsterbank somewhere." (2 hours and 5 minutes ago)
  • Chris Brynner said "Hanrabbah Zambah Gaazhz! *does a bow" (2 hours and 3 minutes ago)
  • Officer Sheaffer said "Am a bit bleary. Did Meases manage to get in?" (2 hours and 1 minute ago)
  • Chris Brynner said "Anazarh baarh ar zam zazz!h zr!ngz hram za bar?" (1 hour and 58 minutes ago)
  • Chris Brynner said "Anazarh b!!rh ar zam za!zz!h zr!ngz hram za bar?" (1 hour and 54 minutes ago)
  • Robert Sands said "harrah babba rabba brazzah" (1 hour and 13 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "Ba! Ba!, arrh mah hra!nz. !!ban N!gg Zarrhrh, g!hra ganna bra!ngrab Zamgrh. Habbah zra!hrz zah gaa, anz!rrh mah gang m!!z aga!n." (1 hour and 10 minutes ago)
  • MonocleSmile said "another day is upon me, and another bottle of scotch awaits" (46 minutes ago)
  • MonocleSmile said "but when the end is at hand, there is nothing remorseful in partaking in Indulgence" (44 minutes ago)
  • MonocleSmile said "besides, you cannot say you were drinking all day if you don't start early" (44 minutes ago)

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