03/14/2025 03:27:12
Rolt Heights

The Comedian Sirius Halliday Jared Tylec Zomies Must Win Trashcan'Man ...
5 zombies
You are Hell's Belles. You have 60 Hit Points and 963 Experience Points. You have 48 Action Points remaining.
You have no safehouse set.

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You are inside the Burchell Arms, an abandoned pub. The doors to the street have been left wide open. There is a crowd of 85 survivors gathered here. [list names]

A portable generator has been set up here. It is running. The bar has been decorated with a stuffed lion head, two stuffed monkeys, a stuffed moose head, five European paintings, a carved pumpkin and a stuffed tiger head.

Somebody has spraypainted BAR closes at noon onto a wall.

There are five zombies here. You recognise Backdoor Betty, Virginia Dentata, StinkeePinkee and TheStrife amongst them.

Since your last turn:

  • Mortenmensch said "Cheers hatman, heartily seconded. It’s been a wonderful run." (4 hours and 48 minutes ago)
  • MrGomez said "Alright, as long as no one has any objections, I'm gonna go pull down the sign hanging out front. I figure we can party with the Burch while we're in the Burch. I've always wanted to do that." (3 hours and 25 minutes ago)
  • MrGomez said "I went and snagged the Otto St sign as well. Consistently one of the best Revive Points in all of Malton!" (3 hours and 10 minutes ago)
  • MrGomez said "I've been in Malton since March 6th, 2007. And I've been a Regular since March 7th, 2007. Joining the BAR was the best decision I've ever made. Climbing the Quarantine wall into Malton for a dare is probably my worst. In all this time, I've lived and died" (3 hours and 4 minutes ago)
  • MrGomez said "So, so many times. I've killed many. Most of them deserved that and worse. I've participated in 3 mall defenses, about 7 different hordes, and I don't even know how many PKer wars. The Burch has been a home to me, and the BAR has been my family. And even" (3 hours and 1 minute ago)
  • MrGomez said "though I'm like to wander off as much as stay around, I always knew that my home was here waiting and that I'd be welcomed back with open arms and raised glasses. Now, here at the end, I'm so fucking proud to be a Regular! To the BAR! To the Burch! To the" (2 hours and 58 minutes ago)
  • MrGomez said "North East! To all of Malton! To our Allies! To our friends! And to our enemies! Malton may soon be a smoking crater, but our story reaches out into eternity! Even as the record is lost and we pass from this world, our deeds were real and true and that" (2 hours and 55 minutes ago)
  • MrGomez said "can never be taken from us! Living or Dead, we are the essence of humanity. And central to that essence, is perserverance and hope. Hope. Heh. What I'm about to say, I don't want to make any promises, because I don't know what's going to happen. I don't" (2 hours and 49 minutes ago)
  • MrGomez said "know if it can be done, but I know that it's worth trying. Down under the Burch, past the bomb shelter, and the cellar, down past the tunnels, there is a river of beer. We've been tapped into it for many years. I believe that that river might lead to a" (2 hours and 45 minutes ago)
  • MrGomez said "way out. A way past the quarantine wall. I've explored much of that space. There's a place we'd have to swim. I've always turned back before finding the end. Maybe there isnt' one, but I say we try to find it." (2 hours and 41 minutes ago)
  • AManWearingAHat said "Man friends, its hard to think that there's now a finite amount of AP left for all of us." (2 hours and 41 minutes ago)
  • AManWearingAHat said "Several more short hours and we'll have all spoken our last line. Looted our last mall. Revived our last zed. Caded our last building" (2 hours and 41 minutes ago)
  • AManWearingAHat said "All the stories of Malton, all the barricade plans, the groups, the hordes, the PKers and the survivors. Our stories all end together in a few short hours." (2 hours and 40 minutes ago) ...and again.
  • MrGomez said "In a few hours. After I've had my fill of partying, I'm going to go down there and I'm either gonna make it, or I'm going to literally drown myself in beer. Either way, the Burchell Arms and it's Regulars are coming along with me in my heart. Anyone who" (2 hours and 37 minutes ago)
  • MrGomez said "wants to take one last chance is welcome to come with me." (2 hours and 37 minutes ago)
  • Michael Bridgewater said "Eyy, nice seeing you lot out here!! Been a while since I've been here, and it's deffo the 1st time i seen the pub that full! 3" (2 hours and 36 minutes ago)
  • Michael Bridgewater said "I see some of the ZP crew out here? Lovely seeing ya! (Henry is my alt)" (2 hours and 35 minutes ago)
  • Vandy brought down the last of the barricades. (2 hours and 33 minutes ago)
  • LigmaSigma said "Hey put your clothes back on!" (2 hours and 31 minutes ago)
  • LigmaSigma said "So this ends at midnight UK time??" (2 hours and 31 minutes ago)
  • MrGomez said "Noon, UTC. About 11 hours from now." (2 hours and 30 minutes ago)
  • LigmaSigma said "So this ends at midnight UK time??" (2 hours and 28 minutes ago)
  • LigmaSigma said "Good...still time to drink a bevvy" (2 hours and 28 minutes ago)
  • Dingers the 2nd said "Wew. Did anyone see a really really bright light there?" (2 hours and 28 minutes ago)
  • LigmaSigma said "Might try replicate Urban Dead in the Victoria 3 Undead zombie mod" (2 hours and 27 minutes ago)
  • LigmaSigma said "Hey that light is the sun... surely" (2 hours and 27 minutes ago) ...and again. ...and again. (2 hours and 24 minutes ago) ...and again. (2 hours and 20 minutes ago) ...and again. (2 hours and 20 minutes ago) ...and again. (2 hours and 20 minutes ago)
  • Dingers the 2nd said "Well fellow drunks. It’s been a honour and a privilege fucking about with you all for the last 15 years." (2 hours and 19 minutes ago)
  • Dingers the 2nd said "Heres to the Burch and the BAR!! God speed" (2 hours and 18 minutes ago)
  • LigmaSigma said "Hey that light is the sun... surely" (2 hours and 15 minutes ago)
  • AManWearingAHat said "12:00 UTC it all comes to an end. Just about 12 hours from now." (2 hours and 13 minutes ago)
  • You heard a loud bellowing from very close by. (2 hours and 13 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "Hama z!ng ah zang" (2 hours and 12 minutes ago)
  • MrGomez said "Noon, UTC. About 11 hours from now." (2 hours and 7 minutes ago)
  • MrGomez said "Damn Danger! Your brain's turned to mush!" (2 hours and 3 minutes ago)
  • LigmaSigma said "Hey that light is the sun... surely" (1 hour and 58 minutes ago)
  • zerodysseus said "Unscheduled sunrises are very bad signs." (1 hour and 56 minutes ago)
  • MrGomez said "Damn Danger! Your brain's turned to mush!" (1 hour and 50 minutes ago)
  • You heard a loud groaning from very close by. (1 hour and 41 minutes ago)
  • You heard a loud bellowing from very close by. (1 hour and 41 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured at Red Hawk One. (1 hour and 39 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "Mhrh!" (1 hour and 39 minutes ago)
  • MrGomez said "Damn Danger! Your brain's turned to mush!" (1 hour and 37 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "MRH!" (1 hour and 37 minutes ago)
  • Mortenmensch said "MrGomez, I will join you to seek the river of beer and the spring from which it sprang." (1 hour and 31 minutes ago)
  • Mortenmensch began to rebuild the barricades, using an arcade machine. (1 hour and 30 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured at itself. (1 hour and 28 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "MRH!" (1 hour and 28 minutes ago)
  • LigmaSigma said "WHat can pool cues be used for?" (1 hour and 22 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured at itself. (1 hour and 13 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "MRH!!!!" (1 hour and 13 minutes ago)
  • Red Hawk One revivified a zombie. (1 hour and 8 minutes ago)
  • Mister Anonymous said "MRMH ZANG ah Hrrr hrrrmn" (1 hour and 2 minutes ago)
  • TedBundy187 said "CHEERS" (50 minutes ago)
  • MrGomez said "Damn Danger! Your brain's turned to mush!" (49 minutes ago)
  • TedBundy187 said "He's got a hard head that boi" (48 minutes ago)
  • Jackoff Jerry said "ah my achin noggin urrr..." (40 minutes ago)
  • Jackoff Jerry said "anywayz waz up guys im feelin it now naw meen" (40 minutes ago)
  • Jackoff Jerry said "iz juz been lookin at dis her mag i found and som ol meenhead dun shoot me up" (39 minutes ago)
  • Jackoff Jerry said "so i gotz to be looki here at dis..dis here mag..itz got he big ol tiddies in it" (39 minutes ago)
  • Frank Howard said "So many beers, so little time..." (38 minutes ago)
  • Jackoff Jerry said "here you can haz this mag i dun looked at it lotzz" (38 minutes ago)
  • Jackoff Jerry said "dis one her doh itz got some new beavers i aint dun seen yet" (38 minutes ago)
  • Jackoff Jerry said "mm dtas a good sloppy lookin beaver der, it all drippin" (37 minutes ago)
  • Jackoff Jerry said "mm yeahh..mm THE WOBBLER IS LOOSE!!!" (37 minutes ago)
  • Jackoff Jerry said "fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap FAP FAP FAP FAP FAP FAP FAP FAP FAPFAPFAPFAPFAPFAPFAPF UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" (36 minutes ago)
  • Jackoff Jerry said "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...mmm ah ,,,yeh ..mmmmm" (36 minutes ago)
  • Jackoff Jerry said "mm yesh dat der was a good blast off mm yeah me kind a sleepy gain...0zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz" (35 minutes ago)
  • Jackoff Jerry said "zzzzz....mmmm.dats sum good wine doh...mmm....zzzzz" (34 minutes ago)
  • DanceDanceRevolution stood up. (33 minutes ago)
  • DanceDanceRevolution said "Thrilled to be spending my last hours here... Thanks for having me everyone!" (32 minutes ago)
  • LigmaSigma said "Whatashit" (29 minutes ago)
  • Miss Miki repaired the radio transmitter. (29 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured at The Comedian. (29 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "Zarrh" (29 minutes ago)
  • everyone in here destroyed the radio transmitter. (28 minutes ago)
  • everyone in here said "FCC is shut that down due to inappropriate transmissions and emissions" (27 minutes ago)
  • Amina said "Ar scáth a chéile a mhaireann na daoine." (17 minutes ago)
  • MJaller said "Goodbye everyone!" (17 minutes ago)
  • MJaller said "Au revoir!" (17 minutes ago)
  • MJaller said "It's been good, almost 20 years!" (17 minutes ago)
  • MJaller said "But alas, this is it, the final round. So I'm going to get smashed, in these final hours" (16 minutes ago)
  • MJaller said "And I hope that you all do too..." (16 minutes ago)
  • MJaller said "Cheers! For the final time!" (16 minutes ago)
  • A zombie brought down the last of the barricades. (10 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "Mah arh na arh" (10 minutes ago)
  • AManWearingAHat said "Cheers to all you glorious Maltonites! *He throws back another shot, trying to remain standing*" (2 minutes ago)

Possible actions:


Inventory (click to use):

 on  (10AP)
 on  (10AP)
 on  (10AP)
 on  (10AP)
 on  (10AP)
 on  (10AP)
 on  (10AP)
 on  (10AP)

You are 86% encumbered.

(0 AP)