03/14/2025 12:58:52
Rolt Heights

The Comedian Sirius Halliday Trashcan'Man Sara M Pan D'emonium ...
10 zombies
You are Hell's Belles. You have 60 Hit Points and 963 Experience Points. You have 50 Action Points remaining.
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You are inside the Burchell Arms, an abandoned pub. The doors to the street have been left wide open. There is a crowd of 99 survivors gathered here. [list names]

A portable generator has been set up here. It is running, and powering a radio transmitter that's currently set to 27.53 MHz. Red, green and white Christmas lights decorate the room. The bar has been decorated with two stuffed moose heads, five European paintings, a carved pumpkin, a stuffed lion head, a stuffed fish, a stuffed tiger head and two stuffed monkeys.

Somebody has spraypainted STREETS IS WATCHIN' ‮.yllej cirotsiherp ‭ onto a wall.

There is a group of ten zombies here. You recognise Virginia Dentata, StinkeePinkee and TheStrife amongst them.

Since your last turn:

  • jaggeddragon broadcast "Zergers, PKers, GKers, you will NOT be missed" from here, on 27.53 MHz. (1 hour and 24 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TysIkGtf_a8" (1 hour and 24 minutes ago)
  • jaggeddragon broadcast "Kevan, Thank you for the community and joy" from here, on 27.53 MHz. (1 hour and 23 minutes ago)
  • MrGomez broadcast "Soon now, we'll all have at least one thing in common." from here, on 27.53 MHz. (1 hour and 22 minutes ago)
  • Robert Sands broadcast "Goodbye everyone" from here, on 27.53 MHz. (1 hour and 10 minutes ago)
  • Robert Sands broadcast "Everything was beautiful and nothing hurt" from here, on 27.53 MHz. (1 hour and 10 minutes ago)
  • Robert Sands said "Now about that river of beer... I'll meet you downstairs." (1 hour and 9 minutes ago)
  • A flare was fired in this block. (1 hour and 8 minutes ago) ...and again.
  • MrGomez said "*Raises glass* One final beer, then we're off to the tunnels. Dying here with you all would be a fine way to go, but my soul won't let me be. I have to try something." (1 hour and 8 minutes ago)
  • jaggeddragon broadcast "Of all the money that e'er I had" from here, on 27.53 MHz. (1 hour and 8 minutes ago)
  • Michael Bridgewater said "Well, I'll be here in the Regulars room, raising my glass of... Something potable... and getting drunk with mates and strangers one more time" (1 hour and 8 minutes ago)
  • jaggeddragon broadcast "I have spent it in good company" from here, on 27.53 MHz. (1 hour and 7 minutes ago)
  • jaggeddragon broadcast "Oh and all the harm I've ever done" from here, on 27.53 MHz. (1 hour and 7 minutes ago)
  • jaggeddragon broadcast "Alas, it was to none but me" from here, on 27.53 MHz. (1 hour and 7 minutes ago)
  • jaggeddragon broadcast "And all I've done for want of wit" from here, on 27.53 MHz. (1 hour and 7 minutes ago)
  • jaggeddragon broadcast "To memory now I can't recall" from here, on 27.53 MHz. (1 hour and 6 minutes ago)
  • jaggeddragon broadcast "So fill to me the parting glass" from here, on 27.53 MHz. (1 hour and 6 minutes ago)
  • jaggeddragon broadcast "Good night and joy be to you all" from here, on 27.53 MHz. (1 hour and 6 minutes ago)
  • jaggeddragon broadcast "Then gently rise and softly call" from here, on 27.53 MHz. (1 hour and 6 minutes ago)
  • jaggeddragon broadcast "Good night and joy be to you all" from here, on 27.53 MHz. (1 hour and 6 minutes ago)
  • jaggeddragon broadcast "Of all the comrades that e'er I had" from here, on 27.53 MHz. (1 hour and 5 minutes ago)
  • jaggeddragon broadcast "They're sorry for my going away" from here, on 27.53 MHz. (1 hour and 5 minutes ago)
  • jaggeddragon broadcast "And all the sweethearts that e'er I had" from here, on 27.53 MHz. (1 hour and 5 minutes ago)
  • MrGomez broadcast "Goodbye! Goodbye! This is MrGomez, over and out!" from here, on 27.53 MHz. (1 hour and 5 minutes ago)
  • jaggeddragon broadcast "They would wish me one more day to stay" from here, on 27.53 MHz. (1 hour and 5 minutes ago)
  • jaggeddragon broadcast "But since it fell into my lot" from here, on 27.53 MHz. (1 hour and 4 minutes ago)
  • jaggeddragon broadcast "That I should rise and you should not" from here, on 27.53 MHz. (1 hour and 4 minutes ago)
  • jaggeddragon broadcast "I'll gently rise and softly call" from here, on 27.53 MHz. (1 hour and 4 minutes ago)
  • James Clearwater said "Drink everyone! The night is still young!" (1 hour and 4 minutes ago)
  • jaggeddragon broadcast "Good night and joy be to you all" from here, on 27.53 MHz. (1 hour and 4 minutes ago)
  • jaggeddragon broadcast "So fill to me the parting glass" from here, on 27.53 MHz. (1 hour and 3 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "The final hour is upon us..." (1 hour and 3 minutes ago)
  • jaggeddragon broadcast "And drink a health whate'er befalls" from here, on 27.53 MHz. (1 hour and 3 minutes ago)
  • jaggeddragon broadcast "Then gently rise and softly call" from here, on 27.53 MHz. (1 hour and 3 minutes ago)
  • jaggeddragon broadcast "Good night and joy be to you all" from here, on 27.53 MHz. (1 hour and 3 minutes ago) ...and again.
  • MrGomez said "Off I go. *Hugs all around* Goodbye Malton. Goodbye, Burch. Goodbye, Regulars." (1 hour and 3 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "some final tunes from the old DJ..." (1 hour and 2 minutes ago)
  • MovingMad said "And thats all she read folks!" (1 hour and 2 minutes ago)
  • James Clearwater said "19 years, 8 months, 12 days. That's 172,656 hours, or 345,362 AP. I hope you spent it well." (1 hour and 2 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "as the end draws near..." (1 hour and 2 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65yd-YNnQ8c" (1 hour and 2 minutes ago)
  • MovingMad broadcast "Farewell Malton, I believe the fat lady has sung!" from here, on 27.53 MHz. (1 hour and 1 minute ago)
  • jaggeddragon said "*starts in the back, turning over chairs and setting them on the tables*" (1 hour and 1 minute ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1VGJHDNog4" (1 hour and 1 minute ago)
  • MovingMad broadcast "Farewell Malton, I believe the fat lady has sung!" from here, on 27.53 MHz. (1 hour and 1 minute ago)
  • jaggeddragon said "*pulls a bugle out of his coat*" (1 hour and 1 minute ago)
  • jaggeddragon said "*starts playing taps*" (exactly 1 hour ago)
  • jaggeddragon broadcast "A long, slow, mournful bugle plays Taps" from here, on 27.53 MHz. (exactly 1 hour ago)
  • Corusk said "I actually will miss the PKers" (59 minutes ago)
  • Robert Sands broadcast "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McCDWYgVyps" from here, on 27.53 MHz. (59 minutes ago)
  • A flare was fired 6 blocks to the west and 2 blocks to the north. (59 minutes ago)
  • Corusk said "Would have gone crazy in this quiet part of Malton if we only had zergers to interact with" (59 minutes ago)
  • jaggeddragon broadcast "https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qMkQExuzL_0" from here, on 27.53 MHz. (59 minutes ago)
  • MovingMad said "Adios amigos best of luck in your future endeavours, see you in AOH!" (58 minutes ago)
  • Mortenmensch said "Gomez! Go well! I will see you on the river of booooze!" (58 minutes ago)
  • jaggeddragon said "I love you all, good bye Malton" (58 minutes ago)
  • MrGomez said "Goodbye!" (58 minutes ago)
  • MovingMad said "Been a ride guys!" (58 minutes ago)
  • MrGomez said "Goodbye!" (57 minutes ago)
  • MovingMad said "Thanks for the stay!" (57 minutes ago)
  • MovingMad said "*cricket*" (56 minutes ago)
  • Corusk said "Not that we didn’t go crazy regardless in our funny violent little town" (56 minutes ago)
  • Corusk said "BURCHELL ARMS FTW BEST DANG BAR IN THE QUARANTINE" (55 minutes ago)
  • MovingMad said "FK THE OTHER BARS" (55 minutes ago)
  • Rockefella Plaza said "Well, I'm popping on my tinfoil hat, sitting in the beer fridge, wearing shades. I'm coming down to the cellar as soon as I hear the whine, and the Yippee Kay Yay!" (54 minutes ago)
  • MovingMad said "One last dance" (54 minutes ago)
  • jaggeddragon broadcast "*taps mic* Are we still on?" from here, on 27.53 MHz. (54 minutes ago)
  • Rockefella Plaza broadcast "It's HAPPY HOUR at The Burch.https://discord.gg/vwtKa2b" from here, on 27.53 MHz. (53 minutes ago)
  • Mortenmensch said "The BAR. Best job I ever had" (52 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "DJ Don signing off for the last time...." (52 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "Goodbye Malton, farewell everyone..." (52 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "I'd like to thank Princess Leia here for keeping me company" (51 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "here in the studio for Maltons last moments" (51 minutes ago)
  • Michael Bridgewater said "Well, folks... How bout we raise yet another glass to Malton?" (51 minutes ago)
  • DanceDanceRevolution said "Is it too late to hug the zombies?" (51 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "Farewell everyone!!!" (50 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNQZY5KYDFM" (50 minutes ago)
  • Michael Bridgewater said "*raises glass of... alcohol?* Cheers to Malton, cheers ta Kevan, cheers to the BAR, Zombra's Pub, all a you lot" (49 minutes ago)
  • James Clearwater said "Farewell...Farewell...One more round on me!" (42 minutes ago)
  • Michael Bridgewater said "*chugs glass of questionable gin* Cheers to that! Do we still have any of that rubbish rum left? Or how about the house stoke, yanno, the batch made of, uhh... Stale biscuits and beet sugar?" (41 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "Henry McCliff 'ere, still online for Malton's last moments!" (39 minutes ago)
  • DanceDanceRevolution said "I love you all" (38 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "Let's chug another few, raidin the bar ere while broadcastin" (38 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "some rave tunes, cos y not?" (38 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZhSFzs24Jo" (38 minutes ago)
  • MovingMad said "GLUG GLUG GLUG" (36 minutes ago)
  • James Clearwater said "This is a perfect playlist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pAMnAJIHu0" (35 minutes ago)
  • Rockefella Plaza broadcast "Well, ladies and gentlemen, this has been, at times, not bad" from here, on 27.53 MHz. (32 minutes ago)
  • Rockefella Plaza broadcast "A pleasure even, and others not so much, but..." from here, on 27.53 MHz. (32 minutes ago)
  • Rockefella Plaza broadcast "I will miss this place, and you all. Lots of love." from here, on 27.53 MHz. (32 minutes ago)
  • Rockefella Plaza broadcast "Rocky P. About ready to sign off." from here, on 27.53 MHz. (31 minutes ago)
  • Rockefella Plaza broadcast "Off for my last poo on the BAR dollar, right now..." from here, on 27.53 MHz. (30 minutes ago)
  • Dingers the 2nd said "It’s been a blast man. Thanks to all my ild pals from the BAR past and present. Yous have all been the tits." (30 minutes ago)
  • Dingers the 2nd said "Jim you have full permission to destroy the genby for old times sake mate" (28 minutes ago)
  • MJaller broadcast "Thanks everyone! 19 years and 3 months well spent!" from here, on 27.53 MHz. (26 minutes ago)
  • Barney C said "I have 50ap any drinking songs you'd like me to broadcast?" (25 minutes ago)
  • MJaller broadcast "Sorry 5 months. Well whatever, goodbye all!" from here, on 27.53 MHz. (25 minutes ago)
  • Dingers the 2nd said "Cheers everyone. It’s honestly been the tits getting to know yous all over the last 15 year or so. Here’s to the BAR past and present. May the Burch always live on!!" (24 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "Hope you all have enjoyed this game as much as I have!" (24 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "Best wishes to you all" (23 minutes ago)
  • endisnigh said "I am so glad to be with you guys at the end" (23 minutes ago)
  • Michael Bridgewater said "Nah, please don't fuck the genny... We'd like to get our last drunken radio chatter out, innit?" (23 minutes ago)
  • endisnigh said "thia game is so much bigger than it'self" (23 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "Channel 4 News Team, signing off" (23 minutes ago)
  • tarkin307 said "It's been a pleasure spending this time with you all. My old groups have long since moved on but I shall spend my last half hour taking in the memories of being both a human and zombie over the past two decades" (22 minutes ago)
  • endisnigh said "The end is nigh...." (22 minutes ago)
  • You heard a loud groaning from very close by. (22 minutes ago)
  • endisnigh said "20+ years and I am going to miss you" (21 minutes ago)
  • Rockefella Plaza broadcast "There was once a fella called Rocky" from here, on 27.53 MHz. (21 minutes ago)
  • Rockefella Plaza broadcast "Reading a book 'Jabberwocky'" from here, on 27.53 MHz. (21 minutes ago)
  • Barney C said "I have 50ap any drinking songs you'd like me to broadcast?" (20 minutes ago)
  • Rockefella Plaza broadcast "He stood on a rake" from here, on 27.53 MHz. (20 minutes ago)
  • Rockefella Plaza broadcast "It smashed in his face" from here, on 27.53 MHz. (20 minutes ago)
  • Rockefella Plaza broadcast "Now he's not feeling so cocky." from here, on 27.53 MHz. (20 minutes ago)
  • Alice Gravesend said "Well, so long everyone. It's been real." (20 minutes ago)
  • Rockefella Plaza broadcast "For more of this nonsense, https://discord.gg/vwtKa2b" from here, on 27.53 MHz. (20 minutes ago)
  • Barney C said "goodbye and godspeed fine folks" (19 minutes ago)
  • apoc51 broadcast "*Allstar by Smashmouth*" from here, on 27.53 MHz. (18 minutes ago)
  • Jackoff Jerry said "ok hay guyz just lemme hang out ok" (16 minutes ago)
  • Jackoff Jerry said "i prmise i wont veun get the wobbler ok guyz" (16 minutes ago)
  • AManWearingAHat said "*Turns on Closing TIme by Semisonic* The time for goodbyes is at hand friends" (16 minutes ago)
  • AManWearingAHat said "Take your last looks around Malton" (16 minutes ago)
  • Jackoff Jerry said "wont git it out ill be good" (16 minutes ago)
  • ssbloom5 said "Everyone made UD special, everyone. Thank you all." (16 minutes ago)
  • James Clearwater said "There'll be blue birds over the grey streets of Malton..." (16 minutes ago)
  • James Clearwater said "Tomorrow...Just you wait and see..." (15 minutes ago)
  • Jackoff Jerry said "iz kind lonly slepin a dark polace all alone for the ndz of the worldz" (15 minutes ago)
  • James Clearwater said "I'll never forget, people I met, braving those angry zombies..." (15 minutes ago)
  • Jackoff Jerry said "datz cool thun ill just kep this mag in th bag" (14 minutes ago)
  • JexHexHammer said "Love3 you guys!" (14 minutes ago)
  • James Clearwater said "I remember well as the shadows fell...The light of hope in their eyes..." (13 minutes ago)
  • Tobeon said "15 minutes to go!" (13 minutes ago)
  • JexHexHammer said "Urban dead is so great! Thanks Kevan!" (13 minutes ago)
  • Jackoff Jerry said "ok stop bean a jerk now" (13 minutes ago)
  • Frank Howard said "To the Burchell Arms and the BAR! May our bar always be inviting, conversations lively, and drinks full!" (12 minutes ago)
  • Jackoff Jerry said "you dun clawe dup mah balss zombie" (12 minutes ago)
  • Jackoff Jerry said "im jus gonna drink mah beers ok" (11 minutes ago)
  • AManWearingAHat said "Here here!" (11 minutes ago)
  • Jackoff Jerry said "here you zombie can hav all mah mags" (11 minutes ago)
  • Jackoff Jerry said "tryn be cool manz" (10 minutes ago)
  • Jackoff Jerry said "i dun hurd dat streets was watchin anywayz" (10 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "Thanks Kevan for Urban Dead!" (10 minutes ago) ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. (9 minutes ago)
  • Jackoff Jerry said "be cool zombie dang" (8 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured to the north. (7 minutes ago)
  • AManWearingAHat said "Less than 10 minutes to go" (7 minutes ago)
  • Jackoff Jerry said "dats wut you get smacked with mah magz" (7 minutes ago)
  • James Clearwater said "Godspeed everyone! Do not go gentle into that good night!" (6 minutes ago)
  • Abi Suhono said "It's almost time. See you all in another life." (6 minutes ago)
  • MJaller broadcast "Thanks Kevan! Cheers to the end!" from here, on 27.53 MHz. (6 minutes ago)
  • James Clearwater said "Old age should burn and rave at close of day!" (6 minutes ago)
  • Jackoff Jerry said "omg itz time for the endz" (6 minutes ago)
  • James Clearwater said "Rage, rage against the dying of the light!" (6 minutes ago)
  • James Clearwater said "Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight," (5 minutes ago)
  • James Clearwater said "And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way," (5 minutes ago)
  • James Clearwater said "Do not go gentle into that good night!" (5 minutes ago)
  • minced beef face said "the sun is shining" (4 minutes ago)
  • Jackoff Jerry said "thatz right i hurd that onze" (4 minutes ago)
  • Axeman89 said "I'm so glad I could spend the end of the end with so many. It's a bittersweet moment, but after 20 years, what's one more apocalypse?" (4 minutes ago)
  • minced beef face said "im off to the pub" (4 minutes ago)
  • minced beef face said "will pour one out for all of us" (4 minutes ago)
  • Jackoff Jerry broadcast "goodniht all the maltonz!!" from here, on 27.53 MHz. (3 minutes ago)
  • AManWearingAHat said "Have one for all of us here in UD" (3 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "Henry 'ere, one last rave tune:" (3 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzVCnzqjEng" (3 minutes ago)
  • MovingMad said "GLUG GLUG GLUG" (3 minutes ago)
  • AManWearingAHat said "Man I didn’t think I’d get this sad over a simple browser game. As a community you were all so incredible" (3 minutes ago)
  • James Clearwater said "Farewell... Farewell... Farewell... Godspeed... May the light take us..." (2 minutes ago)
  • Jackoff Jerry said "im getin all leaky boutit to" (2 minutes ago)
  • MovingMad said "IM NOT CRYING YOU ARE" (2 minutes ago)
  • WhatUpDoc refuelled the generator. (2 minutes ago)
  • jaggeddragon broadcast "I promised myself I wouldn't cry..." from here, on 27.53 MHz. (2 minutes ago)
  • WhatUpDoc said "Not crying too" (2 minutes ago)
  • Tobeon said "We should all know the dead don't stay dead.... so hopefully UD will be revived in the future. If so I'll see you all there!" (1 minute ago)
  • Masumi Minogue said "Time, gentlemen please!" (1 minute ago)
  • Jackoff Jerry said "well mah wobblerz gettin leaky" (1 minute ago)
  • WhatUpDoc said "See you on the other side" (1 minute ago)
  • jaggeddragon broadcast "I think I broke that promise, good bye everyone! THANK YOU K" from here, on 27.53 MHz. (1 minute ago)
  • DanceDanceRevolution said "I LOVE YOU ALL!" (1 minute ago)
  • BlueStorm46 said "It was a ride, Malton. Thanks for all the fun times as a wee lad with nothing better to do." (1 minute ago)
  • DanceDanceRevolution broadcast "I love you all! From DDR" from here, on 27.53 MHz. (1 minute ago)
  • WhatUpDoc said "Don't wee on the lad" (1 minute ago)
  • James Clearwater said "Until we meet again... Sleep well..." (1 minute ago)
  • AManWearingAHat said "*pours another round of shots*" (59 seconds ago)
  • tarkin307 said "Goodbyeee!" (44 seconds ago)
  • AManWearingAHat said "I’m getting tired boss, real tired" (41 seconds ago)
  • Darrenheihei1 said "Good Byeeeeeee everyone!" (21 seconds ago)
  • AManWearingAHat said "Goodbye my friends! I will miss you all so dearly. long live Malton!" (13 seconds ago)
  • jaggeddragon said "Last call!" (0 seconds ago)
  • James Clearwater said "As the Earth burns to the ground... Oh God... It's you all that I sing with..." (0 seconds ago)

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