03/14/2025 12:58:38

Twink LightBringer Varangese Aidan8800 Stan The Chopper tankedfish ...
You are Angelina Argonez. You have 60 Hit Points and 29109 Experience Points. You have 45 Action Points remaining.
Your safehouse is the Pippard Building, 28 blocks west and 3 north.

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You are inside the Whitenoll Building. The building has been extremely heavily barricaded. There is a crowd of 93 survivors gathered here. [list names]

A portable generator has been set up here. It is running, and powering a radio transmitter that's currently set to 27.55 MHz. The lobby has been decorated with a stuffed lion head, two torn paintings, a historical tapestry, a mediaeval tapestry, a faded tapestry, two contemporary paintings, a cubist painting, a stuffed fish and two African paintings.

Somebody has spraypainted Knights Templar HQ! onto a wall.

Since your last turn:

  • Duncan Thaw said "T-minus 75 - ladies and zabies" (1 hour and 14 minutes ago)
  • Duncan Thaw said "Stop all the clocks" (1 hour and 13 minutes ago)
  • Ozmandius Prather said "Its truly been a pleasure folks. Salute to friends and enemies!" (1 hour and 11 minutes ago)
  • Ozmandius Prather said "Gonna have a pint, sit down with my pals and watch the lights go out in Malton one last time." (1 hour and 11 minutes ago)
  • Axeman Tod said "Thanks KT for giving players a vibrant home for all these years" (1 hour and 7 minutes ago)
  • 27.55 MHz: "Drewe says goodbye to you." (1 hour and 6 minutes ago)
  • Tarkenton broadcast "To everyone I wish, Fair Winds & Following Seas. Love, Tark" from here, on 27.55 MHz. (1 hour and 5 minutes ago)
  • Axeman Tod said "One hour to go, unless of course Kevan forgets to press the button" (1 hour and 4 minutes ago)
  • JohnnyBill said "That’s all folks!" (1 hour and 3 minutes ago)
  • Ozmandius Prather broadcast "Cheers from Whitenoll, Malton." from here, on 27.55 MHz. (1 hour and 2 minutes ago)
  • Ozmandius Prather said "Have a pint. Love the one you're with. Oz P out!" (1 hour and 2 minutes ago)
  • Titanic18 said "It’s been an honour" (59 minutes ago)
  • Parham broadcast "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McCDWYgVyps" from here, on 27.55 MHz. (57 minutes ago)
  • Parham said "Gentlemen, it's been an privilege playing with you tonight." (57 minutes ago)
  • Nathan High said "One hour until judgement. Not much more to say" (56 minutes ago)
  • Hate Crime broadcast "Yippee-ki-yay, motherfuckers! 🎭🥀" from here, on 27.55 MHz. (43 minutes ago)
  • Ozmandius Prather said "Here ya go all - a last minute snack I threw together in the kitchen. Can't vouch for all the ingredients, but a pie's a pie. Enjoy all." (36 minutes ago)
  • 27.55 MHz: "HAS BEEN AUTHORTIZED TO LAUNCH ON THE CITY" (35 minutes ago)
  • 27.55 MHz: "MAY THE GODS HAVE MERCY ON US ALL!" (35 minutes ago)
  • 27.55 MHz: "Just kidding, in truth this is the way our world ends...." (34 minutes ago)
  • 27.55 MHz: "This is the way our world ends..." (34 minutes ago)
  • 27.55 MHz: "Not with a bang, but with a whimper." (34 minutes ago)
  • Derthert said "Man does that moon look huge. But, hey, that sunrise sure is pretty. Guess it won't be long now. Good bye, everyone. It's been a joy. Be kind. Be courageous." (26 minutes ago)
  • PossumFlash said "We shall ride into the light together at dawn! :) I'll be here until the end fellas. Hope to see and hear from some of you guys on our Discord." (25 minutes ago)
  • PossumFlash said "Anything I've spent almost 20 years of my life on, work can wait!" (24 minutes ago)
  • Chuck Webb broadcast "Godspeed everyone! It was a pleasure! - Chuck Webb" from here, on 27.55 MHz. (22 minutes ago)
  • PossumFlash said "FoD, love the way you went out, expected nothing less! Provocative!!!" (22 minutes ago)
  • Duncan Thaw broadcast "Merry apocaplyse, everyone. Love to you all - Duncan Thaw" from here, on 27.55 MHz. (21 minutes ago)
  • Duncan Thaw broadcast "Typo in my final message. Noooooo! 3 - Duncan Thaw" from here, on 27.55 MHz. (20 minutes ago)
  • Major Powers said "Flowers, thank you for joining us here at the end! Knights, thank you for all the memories! Couldn't ask for a better way to end it." (20 minutes ago)
  • Major Powers broadcast "WHITENOLL STANDS!" from here, on 27.55 MHz. (19 minutes ago)
  • 27.55 MHz: "☢️⚠️TACTICAL NUKE INCOMING!⚠️☢️" (17 minutes ago)
  • 27.55 MHz: "An honor and a privilege." (15 minutes ago)
  • 27.55 MHz: "Good morning, goodnight, whereever you are, whenever you are" (15 minutes ago)
  • 27.55 MHz: "15 years and I still can't work a radio" (15 minutes ago)
  • 27.55 MHz: "You're loved, and you'll be missed" (15 minutes ago)
  • PossumFlash broadcast "The crow's nest at Whitenoll will ALWAYS be open for drinks!" from here, on 27.55 MHz. (14 minutes ago)
  • PossumFlash broadcast "Come on in if you seek shelter with friends and enemies" from here, on 27.55 MHz. (14 minutes ago)
  • PossumFlash broadcast "drinking together, alike. Goodbye all, PossumFlash out!" from here, on 27.55 MHz. (13 minutes ago)
  • 27.55 MHz: "I used the last AP I'll ever have to send this stupid messag" (11 minutes ago)
  • Alex Hartmann said "Some people waiting for one last revive on Ebutt road. If anyone has syringes and energy" (11 minutes ago)
  • Derthert said "Man does that moon look huge. But, hey, that sunrise sure is pretty. Guess it won't be long now. Good bye, everyone. It's been a joy. Be kind. Be courageous." (11 minutes ago)
  • Nathan High said "Done, last revive I’ll ever give" (9 minutes ago)
  • A flare was fired in this block. (9 minutes ago) ...and again. (8 minutes ago)
  • Nathan High said "I wonder what it will be like in the end? No event no nothing. Just a webpage that won’t load" (8 minutes ago)
  • A flare was fired in this block. (8 minutes ago) ...and again.
  • PossumFlash broadcast "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KtlgYxa6BMU" from here, on 27.55 MHz. (8 minutes ago)
  • Duncan Thaw said "All this AP will be lost in time, like tears in rain." (6 minutes ago)
  • 27.55 MHz: "This is baby, hold me" (5 minutes ago)
  • 27.55 MHz: "LIVE! LOVE! LAUGH!" (4 minutes ago)
  • Nathan High said "Guess this place is joining the dead, after being undead for oh so long" (2 minutes ago)
  • Jacks LeRoy broadcast "Mama take these guns from me, I can't shoot them, anymore." from here, on 27.55 MHz. (1 minute ago)
  • Jacks LeRoy broadcast "It's getting dark, too dark to see." from here, on 27.55 MHz. (1 minute ago)
  • 27.55 MHz: " So long my friends, farewell goodbye..." (1 minute ago)
  • Nathan High said "After this the dead will hopefully remain dead" (1 minute ago)
  • 27.55 MHz: "I'd love to stay an play and sing for awhile..." (1 minute ago)
  • Jacks LeRoy broadcast "Feels like I'm knocking on heaven's door." from here, on 27.55 MHz. (1 minute ago)
  • 27.55 MHz: "But it's time to hit the road and say goodbye," (1 minute ago)
  • Parham said "hey, what's that bright light?" (51 seconds ago)
  • 27.55 MHz: "So long, farewell, bye-bye..." (44 seconds ago)
  • Nathan High broadcast "Goodbye everyone, I’ll miss you" from here, on 27.55 MHz. (42 seconds ago)
  • Major Powers said "This may seem like the end, but it's just another beginning. I love you all!" (31 seconds ago)
  • Tarkenton said "o7" (28 seconds ago)
  • Nathan High said "o7" (16 seconds ago)

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