You are Angelina Argonez. You have 60 Hit Points and 29109 Experience Points. You have 45 Action Points remaining. Your safehouse is the Pippard Building, 28 blocks west and 3 north.
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You are inside the Whitenoll Building. The building has been extremely heavily barricaded. There is a crowd of 93 survivors gathered here. [list names]A portable generator has been set up here. It is running, and powering a radio transmitter that's currently set to 27.55 MHz. The lobby has been decorated with a stuffed lion head, two torn paintings, a historical tapestry, a mediaeval tapestry, a faded tapestry, two contemporary paintings, a cubist painting, a stuffed fish and two African paintings. Somebody has spraypainted Knights Templar HQ! onto a wall. Since your last turn: - Duncan Thaw said "T-minus 75 - ladies and zabies" (1 hour and 14 minutes ago)
- Duncan Thaw said "Stop all the clocks" (1 hour and 13 minutes ago)
- Ozmandius Prather said "Its truly been a pleasure folks. Salute to friends and enemies!" (1 hour and 11 minutes ago)
- Ozmandius Prather said "Gonna have a pint, sit down with my pals and watch the lights go out in Malton one last time." (1 hour and 11 minutes ago)
- Axeman Tod said "Thanks KT for giving players a vibrant home for all these years" (1 hour and 7 minutes ago)
- 27.55 MHz: "Drewe says goodbye to you." (1 hour and 6 minutes ago)
- Tarkenton broadcast "To everyone I wish, Fair Winds & Following Seas. Love, Tark" from here, on 27.55 MHz. (1 hour and 5 minutes ago)
- Axeman Tod said "One hour to go, unless of course Kevan forgets to press the button" (1 hour and 4 minutes ago)
- JohnnyBill said "That’s all folks!" (1 hour and 3 minutes ago)
- Ozmandius Prather broadcast "Cheers from Whitenoll, Malton." from here, on 27.55 MHz. (1 hour and 2 minutes ago)
- Ozmandius Prather said "Have a pint. Love the one you're with. Oz P out!" (1 hour and 2 minutes ago)
- Titanic18 said "It’s been an honour" (59 minutes ago)
- Parham broadcast "" from here, on 27.55 MHz. (57 minutes ago)
- Parham said "Gentlemen, it's been an privilege playing with you tonight." (57 minutes ago)
- Nathan High said "One hour until judgement. Not much more to say" (56 minutes ago)
- Hate Crime broadcast "Yippee-ki-yay, motherfuckers! 🎭🥀" from here, on 27.55 MHz. (43 minutes ago)
- Ozmandius Prather said "Here ya go all - a last minute snack I threw together in the kitchen. Can't vouch for all the ingredients, but a pie's a pie. Enjoy all." (36 minutes ago)
- 27.55 MHz: "HAS BEEN AUTHORTIZED TO LAUNCH ON THE CITY" (35 minutes ago)
- 27.55 MHz: "MAY THE GODS HAVE MERCY ON US ALL!" (35 minutes ago)
- 27.55 MHz: "Just kidding, in truth this is the way our world ends...." (34 minutes ago)
- 27.55 MHz: "This is the way our world ends..." (34 minutes ago)
- 27.55 MHz: "Not with a bang, but with a whimper." (34 minutes ago)
- Derthert said "Man does that moon look huge. But, hey, that sunrise sure is pretty. Guess it won't be long now. Good bye, everyone. It's been a joy. Be kind. Be courageous." (26 minutes ago)
- PossumFlash said "We shall ride into the light together at dawn! :) I'll be here until the end fellas. Hope to see and hear from some of you guys on our Discord." (25 minutes ago)
- PossumFlash said "Anything I've spent almost 20 years of my life on, work can wait!" (24 minutes ago)
- Chuck Webb broadcast "Godspeed everyone! It was a pleasure! - Chuck Webb" from here, on 27.55 MHz. (22 minutes ago)
- PossumFlash said "FoD, love the way you went out, expected nothing less! Provocative!!!" (22 minutes ago)
- Duncan Thaw broadcast "Merry apocaplyse, everyone. Love to you all - Duncan Thaw" from here, on 27.55 MHz. (21 minutes ago)
- Duncan Thaw broadcast "Typo in my final message. Noooooo! 3 - Duncan Thaw" from here, on 27.55 MHz. (20 minutes ago)
- Major Powers said "Flowers, thank you for joining us here at the end! Knights, thank you for all the memories! Couldn't ask for a better way to end it." (20 minutes ago)
- Major Powers broadcast "WHITENOLL STANDS!" from here, on 27.55 MHz. (19 minutes ago)
- 27.55 MHz: "☢️⚠️TACTICAL NUKE INCOMING!⚠️☢️" (17 minutes ago)
- 27.55 MHz: "An honor and a privilege." (15 minutes ago)
- 27.55 MHz: "Good morning, goodnight, whereever you are, whenever you are" (15 minutes ago)
- 27.55 MHz: "15 years and I still can't work a radio" (15 minutes ago)
- 27.55 MHz: "You're loved, and you'll be missed" (15 minutes ago)
- PossumFlash broadcast "The crow's nest at Whitenoll will ALWAYS be open for drinks!" from here, on 27.55 MHz. (14 minutes ago)
- PossumFlash broadcast "Come on in if you seek shelter with friends and enemies" from here, on 27.55 MHz. (14 minutes ago)
- PossumFlash broadcast "drinking together, alike. Goodbye all, PossumFlash out!" from here, on 27.55 MHz. (13 minutes ago)
- 27.55 MHz: "I used the last AP I'll ever have to send this stupid messag" (11 minutes ago)
- Alex Hartmann said "Some people waiting for one last revive on Ebutt road. If anyone has syringes and energy" (11 minutes ago)
- Derthert said "Man does that moon look huge. But, hey, that sunrise sure is pretty. Guess it won't be long now. Good bye, everyone. It's been a joy. Be kind. Be courageous." (11 minutes ago)
- Nathan High said "Done, last revive I’ll ever give" (9 minutes ago)
- A flare was fired in this block. (9 minutes ago) ...and again. (8 minutes ago)
- Nathan High said "I wonder what it will be like in the end? No event no nothing. Just a webpage that won’t load" (8 minutes ago)
- A flare was fired in this block. (8 minutes ago) ...and again.
- PossumFlash broadcast "" from here, on 27.55 MHz. (8 minutes ago)
- Duncan Thaw said "All this AP will be lost in time, like tears in rain." (6 minutes ago)
- 27.55 MHz: "This is baby, hold me" (5 minutes ago)
- 27.55 MHz: "LIVE! LOVE! LAUGH!" (4 minutes ago)
- Nathan High said "Guess this place is joining the dead, after being undead for oh so long" (2 minutes ago)
- Jacks LeRoy broadcast "Mama take these guns from me, I can't shoot them, anymore." from here, on 27.55 MHz. (1 minute ago)
- Jacks LeRoy broadcast "It's getting dark, too dark to see." from here, on 27.55 MHz. (1 minute ago)
- 27.55 MHz: " So long my friends, farewell goodbye..." (1 minute ago)
- Nathan High said "After this the dead will hopefully remain dead" (1 minute ago)
- 27.55 MHz: "I'd love to stay an play and sing for awhile..." (1 minute ago)
- Jacks LeRoy broadcast "Feels like I'm knocking on heaven's door." from here, on 27.55 MHz. (1 minute ago)
- 27.55 MHz: "But it's time to hit the road and say goodbye," (1 minute ago)
- Parham said "hey, what's that bright light?" (51 seconds ago)
- 27.55 MHz: "So long, farewell, bye-bye..." (44 seconds ago)
- Nathan High broadcast "Goodbye everyone, I’ll miss you" from here, on 27.55 MHz. (42 seconds ago)
- Major Powers said "This may seem like the end, but it's just another beginning. I love you all!" (31 seconds ago)
- Tarkenton said "o7" (28 seconds ago)
- Nathan High said "o7" (16 seconds ago)
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Inventory (click to use): You are 56% encumbered. |