You are Totenmannskiste. You have 59 Hit Points and 62161 Experience Points. You have 50 Action Points remaining. You have no safehouse set.
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You are inside the Colglough Building. The NecroTech logo glows gently above the front desk, and doors open onto a number of brightly-lit laboratories and computer rooms. The building has been extremely heavily barricaded. Also here are MSGT Chang (60 HP), Tinidril (50 HP), Darwin's Pitbull (59HP), Harry Molloy (59HP), Rotwood Ben (60 HP), John Markes (59HP), Big Mama Blackwell (59HP), NoodleNosh (59HP), Sergeant Badger (60 HP), Zomgore (60 HP), smudgesmith1993 (60 HP), Cooky Puss (60 HP), ppetak (59HP), cadwah (58HP), Dante Bosch (60 HP), Arriverderci (57HP), VMedic (60 HP), Akronymus (60 HP), Jake O (60 HP), Clary Zedrin (60 HP), Dr Richard Richards (60 HP), Big Disembodied Lips (59HP), The Tomb (60 HP), scoutfelix (60 HP), Karloff Vandergriff (60 HP), GhostKillah (59HP), DrSimpson (58HP), niteshad (60 HP), Gienah (60 HP), Durenn (58HP), i am the police (60 HP), kaptainyoyo123 (59HP), ssbloom (50 HP), Knight Errant (59HP), Cassandra Crunch (60 HP), Cade Bot (50 HP), TechC0M (59HP), auto memory doll (50 HP), Audacious (60 HP), xxxOSAKAxxx (60 HP), Ros Rede (60 HP), Saralan (60 HP), Albert Schwan (60 HP), Buzzard42 (60 HP), Melvin Torq (60 HP) and billy rigs (60 HP). A portable generator has been set up here. It is running. The building has been decorated with a stuffed bear, two cubist sculptures and ten stuffed monkeys. Somebody has spraypainted - WAY better anti-zerg protections. onto a wall. Since your last turn: - Albert Schwan said "To be rare, it is hard to see you usually past the axe blade coming at one’s face. You have to glimpse the visage between blows." (6 hours and 52 minutes ago)
- Albert Schwan installed a generator in the building. (6 hours and 52 minutes ago)
- Albert Schwan refuelled the generator. (6 hours and 51 minutes ago)
- Gazstar said "MSGT Chang good to see you still on the go at the end" (6 hours and 13 minutes ago)
- Gazstar said "scoutfelix you too had alot of good raids with you" (6 hours and 12 minutes ago)
- Gazstar said "Before some one caps the genny let me grab all of you a cold beer not sure why they kept them in the same fridge as the biological waste but im sure its safe to drink" (6 hours and 10 minutes ago)
- Gazstar said "ughhh that tastes bad i think its non alcoholic...ohh wait no its just Labatt Blue well better than nothing I guess" (6 hours and 8 minutes ago)
- niteshad repaired the generator. (5 hours and 59 minutes ago)
- niteshad said "Yes. Thank you. I'm aware that the game--our world is ending in just a short while. I'm committed to soldiering on to the very end, as I always have. But it's good to find all of you here. I've been all over Malton, and done pretty much everything." (5 hours and 57 minutes ago)
- niteshad said "It's been a good time and a good fight. In the meantime, while I'm awake, I'm trying to tend to as many people's wounds as possible. We might as well meet the end in good health, and in good cheer." (5 hours and 56 minutes ago)
- Gienah said "As our final hours approach, I have a few words I'd like to say." (4 hours and 51 minutes ago)
- Gienah said "To our allies in FPDF, you have been steadfast and magnificent. We would have gotten slaughtered in our first siege here if you hadn't stepped up to help us at the last moment. You were key allies in Blackmore, and of course in the recent fort siege." (4 hours and 51 minutes ago)
- Gienah said " It has been my pleasure to get to know many of you better. Truly, thank you for welcoming us to Whittenside." (4 hours and 50 minutes ago)
- Gienah said "To our erstwhile enemies in FFZ, thank you for being tremendous opponents. You made our battles in Whittenside exciting and memorable, and I was delighted to cross swords... needles... something, with you." (4 hours and 50 minutes ago)
- Gienah said "Thank you, also, for being here with us now. I find it genuinely touching that we're able to come together like this at the end." (4 hours and 50 minutes ago)
- Gienah said "To the wonderful Colglough staff Al and Richards, thank you for welcoming us into your home. The latest updates on the building's experiments were so charming and always brought delight into my day." (4 hours and 50 minutes ago)
- Gienah said "Al, I'm so happy you were able to make it to Blackmore with us, and that you're here now with us at the end." (4 hours and 50 minutes ago)
- Gienah said "Finally, to my teammates in 404, I want to say that I genuinely love you all. You are the best of the best in every possible way, and I will always treasure this time we've spent together." (4 hours and 50 minutes ago)
- Gienah said "I have so many good memories with you. Blackmore was intense and incredible, of course, but it was just one part of our story together. I can't forget the long nights watching the cades and shooting the breeze." (4 hours and 50 minutes ago)
- Gienah said "Or the time a siege ended when half of us jumped and ate the other half. The times in this very building that we thought for hours we would all get massacred." (4 hours and 49 minutes ago)
- Gienah said "I was looking forward to an intense guerrilla war in the fort, and it's a shame it got cut short, but what we got was thrilling." (4 hours and 49 minutes ago)
- Gienah said "These last few months have been intense, and in many ways, they couldn't have lasted. We would burn ourselves out. Time would pass, and people would drift away, and the magic would fade." (4 hours and 49 minutes ago)
- Gienah said "And as much as it hurts to see the end, in some ways I'm glad. There's a certain beauty in a flower cut at full bloom." (4 hours and 49 minutes ago)
- Gienah said "I will leave you with this poem from Millay." (4 hours and 49 minutes ago)
- Gienah said "My candle burns at both ends / It will not last the night; / But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends - / It gives a lovely light." (4 hours and 46 minutes ago) ...and again. ...and again. (4 hours and 44 minutes ago)
- Gienah said "As the end draws near, I have surprisingly few regrets. And I could ask for no better company. My friends, it has truly been an honor." (4 hours and 44 minutes ago)
- i am the police said "Now the finish line is so clearly in view, I'm starting to feel the same kind of despair as I did when I first read the news." (4 hours and 3 minutes ago)
- i am the police said "But look at all these faces! I'm so glad so many of us came together to see UD out!" (4 hours and 2 minutes ago)
- i am the police said "Friends and foes alike, if we never talk again after the next 36 hours or whatever we've got left, I wish you all the happiness in the world." (exactly 4 hours ago)
- niteshad repaired the generator. (3 hours and 59 minutes ago)
- Buzzard42 said "Amen! I'm glad that 404 could go out on top." (3 hours and 58 minutes ago)
- Buzzard42 said "I only rolled down to the Perryn region a few months ago" (3 hours and 58 minutes ago)
- Buzzard42 said "But it's been a wonderful home for me." (3 hours and 58 minutes ago)
- Buzzard42 said "Discord says it was 18 months ago, actually. Time flies!" (3 hours and 57 minutes ago)
- Buzzard42 said "I'm honored to have fought alongside you all in our many antics" (3 hours and 57 minutes ago)
- Buzzard42 said "Fort Strikes, defending Colglough, zerg hunts, all of it." (3 hours and 57 minutes ago)
- Buzzard42 said "I'm proud to have fought alongside (and against) all of you." (3 hours and 56 minutes ago)
- Buzzard42 said "This is Dislycan, signing off." (3 hours and 55 minutes ago)
- i am the police said "You're a valuable member of the team and a good guy, it was an honour fighting with you!" (3 hours and 54 minutes ago)
- Gienah said "Welcome in, Police! You missed my sappy monologue, but I want to give you a shoutout too. Thank you for all your help in Blackmore and in Whittenside. You've been a great friend to us, and I'm delighted we got to know each other." (3 hours and 43 minutes ago)
- Knight Errant said "It has been a fantastic run overall. I only really got involved with 404 shenanigans when wandering here to Colglough for what I thought was a random siege." (3 hours and 43 minutes ago)
- Knight Errant said "Then Tinidril bit me, so I bit her back, and earned an invite to the Blackmore siege thereby :P" (3 hours and 42 minutes ago)
- Knight Errant said "I'm very glad that happened and pleased as punch to have joined everyone here - on one side or the other - in both the last battle of Blackmore and the last siege of Perryn." (3 hours and 40 minutes ago)
- i am the police said "Don't worry Gienah, I read it all in the Discord!" (3 hours and 40 minutes ago)
- Durenn repaired the generator. (3 hours and 17 minutes ago)
- kaptainyoyo123 said "havent been on in years. last time I played was 2014. havent run into any of my old group members from 10 years ago, but never the less its still been a pleasure everyone" (2 hours and 55 minutes ago)
- kaptainyoyo123 said "bittersweet reunion with those ive never known" (2 hours and 53 minutes ago)
- kaptainyoyo123 said "cheers :)" (2 hours and 52 minutes ago)
- kaptainyoyo123 said "I remember logging on to do raids on tinychat haha" (2 hours and 51 minutes ago)
- TechC0M repaired the generator. (1 hour and 51 minutes ago)
- Audacious said "*sobs into Gienah's labcoat*" (1 hour and 40 minutes ago)
- Saralan said "*sobs into the other side of Gienah's lab coat*" (exactly 1 hour ago)
- Albert Schwan said "Indeed. If we are doing goodbyes, then I shall keep things uncharacteristically brief. Thank you all for your friendship, enmity, and patronage." (58 minutes ago)
- Albert Schwan said "These hallowed halls of science have enjoyed a storied history and you have all been a part of that. For that you have my gratitude." (58 minutes ago)
- Albert Schwan said "In a decade and a half in Malton, I have seen many faces come and go. I have certainly grown. I am honored to spend the last with those of you as are here. As the clock ticks down, I will enjoy these final moments," (58 minutes ago)
- Albert Schwan said "and should the lights come back on at some future time, I encourage you all to remember Schwan brand products: Malton number one name in utility and sophistication for the modern survivor/zambah!" (58 minutes ago)
- Albert Schwan said "Sorry folks, that is as brief as I get; a fact to which those who know me can easily attest." (57 minutes ago)
- Melvin Torq said "How's this for brief. Thanks to all of you for a great game! Alive or dead you feel like you're winning when you play with good people." (46 minutes ago)
- billy rigs said "I'm glad to be here with all of you at the end. I may be the last of my group with the Peace Walkers, but I think I can face the end with a smile." (4 minutes ago)
- billy rigs said "It's wild to think how much time flies. I was 12 when I first played this game, and the history this game has is truly something special" (3 minutes ago)
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