You are Hell's Belles. You have 60 Hit Points and 932 Experience Points. You have 50 Action Points remaining. You have no safehouse set.
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You are inside the Burchell Arms, an abandoned pub. The building has been very strongly barricaded. There is a crowd of 83 survivors gathered here. [list names]A portable generator has been set up here. It is running, and powering a radio transmitter that's currently set to 27.53 MHz. The bar has been decorated with a stuffed lion head, two stuffed monkeys, a stuffed moose head, five European paintings, a carved pumpkin and a stuffed tiger head. Somebody has spraypainted We'll meet again Don't know where, don't know when onto a wall. There are four zombies here. You recognise Backdoor Betty, Virginia Dentata and StinkeePinkee amongst them. Since your last turn: - Barney C said "yep sexual advances, couple of beers and they don't care about eating just sex. I'm the opposite way around, this is a real long shot but does anyone have a bag of pork scratchings?" (12 hours and 11 minutes ago)
- A zombie said "Grrh arng rh rrh hra rrh hrh hra rarh. Hrh gamrh rh brh mrrh" (11 hours and 50 minutes ago)
- Chris Brynner said "Ah mah gaaz za man!h Zambahz. Arh za BAR agz!b!ng !z gabaz!b!h?" (11 hours and 11 minutes ago)
- LigmaSigma said "Hey who dropped this pistol" (10 hours and 25 minutes ago)
- Tobeon said "Today is the last day. I'll miss this place!" (10 hours and 17 minutes ago)
- MovingMad said "If you arent pissed already nows your time" (9 hours and 50 minutes ago)
- Tobeon said "No one wants to reach the end of the world sober!" (8 hours and 51 minutes ago)
- Corusk said "Hello zombies!" (7 hours and 38 minutes ago)
- Corusk said "Aren't you a nice bunch?" (7 hours and 38 minutes ago)
- Corusk said "Hab zam bananaz, za bananaz arh ON THAT SHELF OVER THERE" (7 hours and 37 minutes ago)
- Corusk said "We also have burritos filled with mystery meat that may be to your liking" (7 hours and 37 minutes ago)
- Corusk said "They're to our disliking so for you they're probably delicious" (7 hours and 36 minutes ago)
- 27.53 MHz: "CACANlGGER❗" (6 hours and 54 minutes ago)
- He's dead Jim said "little brown girl, is such a sweet girl. And still little after all these years." (5 hours and 44 minutes ago)
- He's dead Jim repaired the generator. (5 hours and 44 minutes ago)
- He's dead Jim repaired the radio transmitter. (5 hours and 43 minutes ago)
- 27.53 MHz: "How's the party going at Burchell Arms? I'm in my old..." (5 hours and 39 minutes ago)
- 27.53 MHz: "... spot in East Grayside. Doubt I can make it up in time." (5 hours and 39 minutes ago)
- John MacReilley broadcast "This is the Burchell Arms. The party's rocking, and will" from here, on 27.53 MHz. (5 hours and 8 minutes ago)
- John MacReilley broadcast "'til the end!" from here, on 27.53 MHz. (5 hours and 8 minutes ago)
- 27.53 MHz: "BROTHER JOHN IS IN THE HOUSE!!!!" (5 hours and 4 minutes ago)
- 27.53 MHz: "GAAAAAWWWWWWWDDDDDDDDS HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUSSSSSSSSE!!!!!!!" (5 hours and 4 minutes ago)
- 27.53 MHz: "THE END DRAWS NIGH FOR YOU MALTON, YOUR MANY SINS ARE AT" (5 hours and 3 minutes ago)
- 27.53 MHz: "LAST GOING TO BE ANSWERED FOR!!! GAWD WILL NOI LONGER" (5 hours and 3 minutes ago)
- 27.53 MHz: "TOLERATE YOUR CRIMES AND EVIL!!! BOW DOWN FOOLS!!!" (5 hours and 2 minutes ago)
- 27.53 MHz: "THATS YOU, YES YOU SIR!!! YOU IN THE STREETS!!" (5 hours and 2 minutes ago)
- 27.53 MHz: "YOU IN THE BAR!!! YES THE EVIL BAR THAT HAS DONE MORE SIN" (5 hours and 1 minute ago)
- 27.53 MHz: "THAN ANY OTHER IN MALTON THE PIT OF HELL THAT IS FULL OF THE" (5 hours and 1 minute ago)
- 27.53 MHz: "Are there any old East Grayside townies in Burchell?" (5 hours and 1 minute ago)
- 27.53 MHz: "WORST KINDS OF FILTH AND SLOIME AND SIN AND FORNICATIN AND" (5 hours and 1 minute ago)
- 27.53 MHz: "HOMOIN THAT GOES DOWN THERE GAWAAAAAWFD WILL NOW MAKE YOU" (4 hours and 59 minutes ago)
- 27.53 MHz: "ANSWER FOR YOUR CRIMES AGIANST GAAAAWD AND HIS PROPHET!!!" (4 hours and 59 minutes ago)
- 27.53 MHz: "THATS RIGHT ALL THE TIME YOU SOPKE EVIL AGAINST GODS PROPHET" (4 hours and 59 minutes ago)
- 27.53 MHz: "ALL THE TIMES YOU SHOT ME WITH YOUR PUNY GUNS THAT CANT STOP" (4 hours and 58 minutes ago)
- 27.53 MHz: "GOD !! HE RAISED ME FROM THE DEAD TO CALL YOU FOOLS OUT OVER" (4 hours and 58 minutes ago)
- 27.53 MHz: "AND OVER HA HA HA YOU WILL KNOW TRUE FEAR NOW!" (4 hours and 58 minutes ago)
- 27.53 MHz: "FOR GOD HAS DECREED ON THIS DAY THE DOOM OF YOU AND ALL OF" (4 hours and 57 minutes ago)
- 27.53 MHz: "MALTON AND IT WAS YOU BAR, YES YOU THAT TIPPED THE SCALES!!" (4 hours and 57 minutes ago)
- 27.53 MHz: "FIRDAY IS THE FINAL DAY GAAAWD HAD TOLD ME THIS!!!" (4 hours and 56 minutes ago)
- 27.53 MHz: "ALL SHOULD PUNISH THE BAR FOR ITS THEIR FAULT THAT GOD HAS" (4 hours and 56 minutes ago)
- 27.53 MHz: "BROUGH THIS DOOM DOWN ON ALL THE THE CITY!!!" (4 hours and 56 minutes ago)
- 27.53 MHz: "PRAISE JESUS AND ASK FOR FORGIVENNESS YOU SINNERS!!!" (4 hours and 54 minutes ago)
- 27.53 MHz: "FOR THERE WILL BE NO ROOM FOR THE SINNER!!" (4 hours and 53 minutes ago)
- 27.53 MHz: "NO ROOM FOR THE MASTYERBATER!! NO ROOM FOR THE HOMOIN!" (4 hours and 53 minutes ago)
- 27.53 MHz: "NO ROOM FOR THE DRUNKARD!! NO ROOM FOR THE FRONICATOR!!" (4 hours and 52 minutes ago)
- 27.53 MHz: "T⭕TAL TR⭕⭕N DE⭕TH" (4 hours and 51 minutes ago)
- 27.53 MHz: "GAWWWD HAS SPOKEN ON THIS DAY!!! REPENT NOW!!!" (4 hours and 49 minutes ago)
- 27.53 MHz: "OH LORDY YES LORD OH YES BRING THE DOOM NOW LORD OH YESS" (4 hours and 46 minutes ago)
- 27.53 MHz: "CLEANSE THE CITY OF THE EVIL LORD OH YES PLEASE LORD NOW ITS" (4 hours and 46 minutes ago)
- 27.53 MHz: "COMIN SOON JUST LIKE THE PROPHET HAS TOLD YOU!!!" (4 hours and 45 minutes ago)
- 27.53 MHz: "NOW YOU KNOW FOOLS, NOW YOU KNOW!!" (4 hours and 45 minutes ago)
- 27.53 MHz: "THE PROPHECY IS COMING NOW REPENT FOOLS NOW!" (4 hours and 44 minutes ago)
- 27.53 MHz: "BROTHER JOHN HAS SPOKEN!!!" (4 hours and 44 minutes ago)
- Ed Zeplin said "**He's dead Jim repaired the generator.** Well- strike me blind! Well done HDJ, well done!" (4 hours and 41 minutes ago)
- Nick Self broadcast "Yes, Yes, fuck you too!" from here, on 27.53 MHz. (4 hours and 30 minutes ago)
- MrGomez said "My biggest regret is that we'll never get to know how the outside world is doing. I bet things are great out there. I bet we finally figured everything out." (4 hours and 26 minutes ago)
- MrGomez broadcast "Ya'll hear that? We partied SO hard that even God is jealous" from here, on 27.53 MHz. (4 hours and 23 minutes ago)
- MrGomez broadcast "Better to party in the Burch than serve in heaven you sad bo" from here, on 27.53 MHz. (4 hours and 20 minutes ago)
- 27.53 MHz: "Burchell Arms has a nasty bathroom." (4 hours and 17 minutes ago)
- 27.53 MHz: "" (4 hours and 16 minutes ago)
- 27.53 MHz: "Don't forget...TFOX ROCKS!!" (4 hours and 16 minutes ago)
- 27.53 MHz: "The beer's still good but you may want to pee outside." (4 hours and 15 minutes ago)
- 27.53 MHz: "Rocks the batrhroom that is...WHEEEEEWWWWW!!" (4 hours and 14 minutes ago)
- 27.53 MHz: "Any air freshener left in the mall? damn!" (4 hours and 14 minutes ago)
- MonocleSmile said "Cheers one and all, raise a glass to honor the name Kevan" (3 hours and 43 minutes ago)
- MonocleSmile said "and get proper toasted, this scotch won't drink itself" (3 hours and 43 minutes ago)
- Ninja13 broadcast "[A recording of We'll Meet Again by Vera Lynn]" from here, on 27.53 MHz. (3 hours and 19 minutes ago)
- 27.53 MHz: "What was the song Bashir played for Nog in Siege of AR-558?" (3 hours and 15 minutes ago)
- 27.53 MHz: "NlGGER❗NlGGER❗NlGGER❗NlGGER❗" (3 hours and 14 minutes ago)
- A flare was fired in this block. (3 hours and 7 minutes ago)
- Frank Howard said "Never thought I’d die fighting side by side with a Trashcan'Man." (3 hours and 7 minutes ago)
- Frank Howard said "19-1/2 hours until last call." (3 hours and 5 minutes ago)
- Frank Howard said "You'd think we'd have cleared out the last of the liquor from here after almost 20 years yet the Burchell keeps giving!" (3 hours and 4 minutes ago)
- A zombie gestured to the Burchell Arms. (2 hours and 56 minutes ago)
- A zombie said "Rh rarh!" (2 hours and 55 minutes ago)
- Rockefella Plaza said "Yes indeed, I've been saying all that for years." (2 hours and 45 minutes ago)
- A zombie said "Hrrrh" (2 hours and 34 minutes ago)
- Officer Sheaffer said "80 Survivors. I'll be." (2 hours and 28 minutes ago)
- Officer Sheaffer said "85 souls in total, counting the zombies... speaking of which, ive not seen the angry vaginas in a long, long time. Hell of a reunion, this." (2 hours and 27 minutes ago)
- Bawnjorno said "Well said, Pan. Cheers to that!" (2 hours and 23 minutes ago)
- A zombie said "Rrrn rn mrh!" (2 hours and 22 minutes ago)
- MrGomez said "The liquor truly is a miracle or, at least, a mystery. The beer comes from the underground beer river we can access through the maze of tunnels from the Burch's basement. Sir Edmond Burchell was a Willy Wonka kinda inventor. Mad as all hell, but dammit!" (1 hour and 57 minutes ago)
- MrGomez said "That river has been a godsend!" (1 hour and 56 minutes ago)
- superconnorman said "This will likely be the last message I send ~ excited to interact with you guys in another life" (1 hour and 46 minutes ago)
- superconnorman broadcast "This will likely be the last message I send ~ excited to int" from here, on 27.53 MHz. (1 hour and 46 minutes ago)
- superconnorman killed a zombie with a pistol. (1 hour and 46 minutes ago)
- Nick Self broadcast "Bathroom? WTF?" from here, on 27.53 MHz. (1 hour and 44 minutes ago)
- Mushroom01 said "Cheers!" (1 hour and 38 minutes ago)
- Darrenheihei1 said "Cheers!" (1 hour and 37 minutes ago)
- A zombie said "Hrrrh hrman!" (1 hour and 33 minutes ago)
- Fay Finch began to rebuild the barricades, using some plastic crates. (1 hour and 24 minutes ago)
- Fay Finch said "Closing time. Last call for alcohol," (1 hour and 23 minutes ago)
- Fay Finch said "so finish your whiskey or beer." (1 hour and 23 minutes ago)
- Fay Finch said "Closing time... You don't have to go home" (1 hour and 22 minutes ago)
- Fay Finch said "but you can't stay here." (1 hour and 22 minutes ago)
- Fay Finch said "Karaoke tonight anyone?" (1 hour and 22 minutes ago)
- Frank Howard said "Started in '07 myself. This character, my 4th, was certainly the most exciting rolling w/ the BAR all these years." (1 hour and 8 minutes ago)
- Frank Howard said "What good times we've had over the years. I'll join the Discord to keep in touch. Always good having some drinking buddies." (1 hour and 6 minutes ago)
- Frank Howard said "Oh, and shout out to Cahoots in London on Kingly Ct. If you live there or visit, check it out. Vintage WWII style bar w/ three floors in a former underground station." (1 hour and 5 minutes ago)
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