03/14/2025 11:33:37
Rolt Heights

The Comedian Sirius Halliday Trashcan'Man Sara M Pan D'emonium ...
9 zombies
You are Hell's Belles. You have 60 Hit Points and 963 Experience Points. You have 50 Action Points remaining.
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You are inside the Burchell Arms, an abandoned pub. The doors to the street have been left wide open. There is a crowd of 97 survivors gathered here. [list names]

A portable generator has been set up here. It is running, and powering a radio transmitter that's currently set to 27.53 MHz. The bar has been decorated with two stuffed moose heads, five European paintings, a carved pumpkin, a stuffed lion head, a stuffed fish, a stuffed tiger head and two stuffed monkeys.

Somebody has spraypainted onto a wall. I repeat, somebody has spraypainted onto a wall.

There is a group of nine zombies here. You recognise Virginia Dentata, StinkeePinkee and TheStrife amongst them.

Since your last turn:

  • Ottari said "Friends, Romans, Maltonians… it has been a privilege to the end." (7 hours and 59 minutes ago)
  • Ottari said "There is no finer corner of this fair city than that we have all called home." (7 hours and 58 minutes ago)
  • Ottari said "Pescodside was my home for close to 17 years… and the BAR, Dulston Alliance, and many others made it a richer community." (7 hours and 58 minutes ago)
  • MysticBigfoot said "Cheers to Cheese Baconator!" (7 hours and 57 minutes ago)
  • Ottari said "My fondest regards to you all as we wait for sun to rise on the final day." (7 hours and 57 minutes ago)
  • Ottari said "I wish you all well in this life or the next." (7 hours and 57 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgIR3GU_5sw" (7 hours and 55 minutes ago)
  • Robert Sands said "A river of beer? Sure beats waiting around here waiting for the bombs to fall." (7 hours and 46 minutes ago)
  • Robert Sands said "Worst case scenario, we all drown and die the way we lived. Pickled." (7 hours and 46 minutes ago)
  • Duchesne said "If it be your will/That I speak no more/And my voice be still/As it was before" (7 hours and 38 minutes ago)
  • Duchesne said "I will speak no more/I shall abide until/I am spoken for/If it be your will" (7 hours and 38 minutes ago)
  • Duchesne said "And to draw us near/And bind us tight/All your children here/In their rags of light" (7 hours and 37 minutes ago)
  • Duchesne said "In our rags of light/All dressed to kill/And end this night/If it be your will" (7 hours and 37 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "Graagh." (7 hours and 29 minutes ago)
  • little brown girl said "Thank you for the candy, Everyone in Here." (7 hours and 11 minutes ago)
  • little brown girl said "Aw, the UD server is here." (7 hours and 9 minutes ago)
  • Count Istvan Teleky said "For having the nastiest toilets in town, this place is still very nice. It must be the reasonably priced beer and reasonably coherent people." (7 hours and 3 minutes ago)
  • endisnigh said "Bye guys... you will be missed" (exactly 7 hours ago)
  • JexHexHammer began to rebuild the barricades, using a bar stool. (6 hours and 53 minutes ago)
  • canopener said "Just one last bottle of laphroaig I stashed back in 02 behind the sofa in the darts room.. cheers and have a wee dram" (6 hours and 53 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fpu5a0Bl8eY" (6 hours and 49 minutes ago)
  • James Clearwater said "When you walk through a storm, hold your head up high! And don't be afraid of the dark..." (6 hours and 27 minutes ago)
  • James Clearwater said "Walk on through the wind. Walk on through the rain! Though your dreams be tossed and blown..." (6 hours and 27 minutes ago)
  • James Clearwater said "Walk on walk on with hope in your heart... And you'll never walk alone! You'll never walk alone..." (6 hours and 27 minutes ago)
  • Rotten Ray killed a zombie with a pistol. (6 hours and 16 minutes ago)
  • Mortenmensch said "Are we sticking with no killing, alive or dead, until the end?" (5 hours and 41 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "Graaaagh!" (5 hours and 40 minutes ago) ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. (5 hours and 39 minutes ago) ...and again. (5 hours and 39 minutes ago) ...and again. (5 hours and 39 minutes ago) ...and again. (5 hours and 39 minutes ago) ...and again. (5 hours and 39 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "DJ Don Davis here. The station location has always been" (5 hours and 39 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "Graaaagh!" (5 hours and 39 minutes ago) ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again.
  • 27.53 MHz: "mobile but for our final broadcasts we're rockin" (5 hours and 39 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "out of Rolt Heights. We have a little over 7 hours left" (5 hours and 38 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "my friends. Let's Rock out til the end!" (5 hours and 37 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tz6u9suVNlY" (5 hours and 37 minutes ago)
  • Zomies Must Win said "Hey now. I don’t need the news!" (5 hours and 35 minutes ago)
  • Zomies Must Win said "It’s all over the radio." (5 hours and 35 minutes ago)
  • Zomies Must Win installed a stuffed fish in the building. (5 hours and 33 minutes ago)
  • Zomies Must Win installed a stuffed moose head in the building. (5 hours and 33 minutes ago)
  • endisnigh said "The end is nigh...." (5 hours and 26 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "Arrrh rrban ra" (5 hours and 12 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMVjToYOjbM" (5 hours and 4 minutes ago)
  • A zombie brought down the last of the barricades. (5 hours and 4 minutes ago)
  • You heard a loud bellowing from very close by. (5 hours and 4 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured at James Clearwater. (5 hours and 1 minute ago)
  • nadsdna began to rebuild the barricades, using a jukebox. (exactly 5 hours ago)
  • Chloe Hannon installed a radio transmitter in the building. (4 hours and 51 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured to the Burchell Arms. (4 hours and 49 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "Grrbrh rrrrnrh. Ha hra aarh rrh hra" (4 hours and 49 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured to the Burchell Arms. (4 hours and 39 minutes ago)
  • Rockefella Plaza said "Well, I for one, wholly and warmly embrace our opportunity to dip my toes into this river of booze, with its tributaries of gin, and oxbows full of stout I'll meander along, accompanied, like clouds." (4 hours and 36 minutes ago)
  • Rockefella Plaza said "On the horizon. It's an opportunity. We should perhaps build a boat, and {{looks round the bar}} we may well need a biggish one." (4 hours and 35 minutes ago)
  • Rockefella Plaza said "Look people, there's a shitload of crates, there's Fluffer's cableties (why though?), there's Sante's tin bath. I propose coopting the whole kit and caboodle, get into your lockers, gang..." (4 hours and 34 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "DJ Don here. Coming up on 6 hours left til closing time...." (4 hours and 33 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGytDsqkQY8" (4 hours and 33 minutes ago)
  • Rockefella Plaza said "And let's do this thing. Maybe we'll even have time to build something that can throw these pickled teste...EGGS at people who get in our way - like a catapult." (4 hours and 32 minutes ago)
  • Rockefella Plaza said "I know it's a long shot, but does anyone know what a trebuchet is?" (4 hours and 32 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "Hrzzzzaaaaaahhh!!!" (4 hours and 30 minutes ago)
  • Rockefella Plaza said "Oh, and does anyone have any spraypaint that can leave a more edifying message on the wall than some sad little attempt at immortality? Like a knob joke?" (4 hours and 29 minutes ago)
  • Rockefella Plaza said "I've been trying to get in touch with my doctor for weeks, phoning every day to discuss an embarrassing rash on my Chod." (4 hours and 28 minutes ago)
  • Rockefella Plaza said "Finally managed to catch him, and show him, but he just pushed past me and continued shopping in Waitrose" (4 hours and 28 minutes ago)
  • Rockefella Plaza said "When I managed to get him on the phone, I complained about the haemorrhoid cream he'd prescribed causing a nasty reaction" (4 hours and 27 minutes ago)
  • Rockefella Plaza said "He sounded surprised and asked where I'd applied it, I answered, On the bus" (4 hours and 27 minutes ago)
  • Rockefella Plaza said "I was in B&Q (Home Depot etc), and this bloke in an orange apron asked me if I wanted decking, luckily I got the first punch in." (4 hours and 27 minutes ago)
  • Rockefella Plaza said "My friend got a tattoo on his arm saying Comparison is the thief of joy; I'm considering getting the same tattoo, but slightly bigger." (4 hours and 26 minutes ago)
  • Rockefella Plaza said "Bloody Amazon, the other day I ordered four kindles in a Black Friday deal and they sent me a Two Ronnies DVD" (4 hours and 26 minutes ago)
  • Rockefella Plaza said "Yesterday I got mugged by six dwarves. Not Happy." (4 hours and 26 minutes ago)
  • Rockefella Plaza said "I don't understand your mother, a week ago she said she wouldn't mind it if I had a tattoo. Today? She's moaning about all the bagpipers in the garden." (4 hours and 25 minutes ago)
  • Rockefella Plaza said "Tonight I made a lamb curry. I don't think it was keen." (4 hours and 25 minutes ago)
  • Rockefella Plaza said "My better half says she's fed up with my flamingo impressions, so I've had to put my foot down..." (4 hours and 25 minutes ago)
  • Rockefella Plaza said "Lord Nelson was 5'6 His statue is 17'4 That's Horatio of 3:1" (4 hours and 25 minutes ago)
  • Rockefella Plaza said "‘A bear and a rabbit are chatting to each other in the woods. “Do you have a problem with shit sticking to your fur?” asks the bear." (4 hours and 24 minutes ago)
  • Rockefella Plaza said "“No”, answers the rabbit. “Brilliant”, says the bear, as he picks up the rabbit and wipes his arse with it.’" (4 hours and 24 minutes ago)
  • Rockefella Plaza said "I have piles and piles of ironing to do. I'm not sure what's worse." (4 hours and 24 minutes ago)
  • Rockefella Plaza said "So when monkeys, chimps and wild animals scream and throw faeces at you, it's just their nature; but when I do it to them, apparently I'm spoiling it for the rest of the audience of the Lion King musical." (4 hours and 23 minutes ago)
  • Rockefella Plaza said "My friend lost his ear in an accident and had to have a pigs ear transplanted on. I asked him if it was working ok... He said “It’s fine apart from a bit of crackling...”" (4 hours and 22 minutes ago)
  • Rockefella Plaza said "I completed my first jigsaw yesterday, and I'm really proud. Only took me a couple of months and the box said 3-5 years." (4 hours and 22 minutes ago)
  • Rockefella Plaza said "Why are the 7 dwarves always laughing when they play rugby? The grass tickles their balls." (4 hours and 21 minutes ago)
  • Rockefella Plaza said "At my recent AA meeting, I celebrated my 365th day sober. It's only taken me 12 years." (4 hours and 21 minutes ago)
  • Rockefella Plaza said "When I was 12 I found a dominatrix porn mag on a train, I took it home and put it under my bed. My parents found it, but they never spanked me again" (4 hours and 21 minutes ago)
  • Rockefella Plaza said "The first time I met my wife, I knew she was a keeper. She was wearing massive gloves" (4 hours and 20 minutes ago)
  • Rockefella Plaza said "My wife told me: “Sex is better on holiday.” That wasn’t a very nice postcard to receive" (4 hours and 20 minutes ago)
  • Rockefella Plaza said "I had a very stressful journey home. This lorry driver was right up my arse. It was nice of him to give me a lift, mind" (4 hours and 19 minutes ago)
  • Rockefella Plaza said "20 years ago, I married my best friend. The vicar had awful eyesight and we were too polite to point this out. My fiance was furious." (4 hours and 18 minutes ago)
  • Rockefella Plaza said "Rick Astley is such a rare & raw talent, & also a very generous man. He came to my kids' school once, spoke at assembly & sang a song. He then gifted the entire Disney back catalogue to the drama dept." (4 hours and 17 minutes ago)
  • Rockefella Plaza said "except one film about a house with an old fella who used to sell balloons." (4 hours and 17 minutes ago)
  • A flare was fired 14 blocks to the west and 5 blocks to the south. (4 hours and 14 minutes ago)
  • Officer Sheaffer said "Ninty-two." (4 hours and 9 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "This is WDRK Rockin Outa Rolt Heights!" (4 hours and 8 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YLp2cW7ICCU" (4 hours and 8 minutes ago)
  • Officer Sheaffer said "*Sways drunkly, saluting.* See you all in hell...! All out hell!" (4 hours and 7 minutes ago)
  • Officer Sheaffer said "There's a new world somewhere They call the Promised Land And I'll be there someday If you will hold my hand I still need you there beside me No matter what I do For I know I'll never find another you" (4 hours and 6 minutes ago)
  • Officer Sheaffer said "There is always someone For each of us, they say And you'll be my someone Forever and a day I could search the whole world over Until my life is through But I know I'll never find another you" (4 hours and 5 minutes ago)
  • Officer Sheaffer said "It's a long, long journey So stay by my side When I walk through the storm You'll be my guide, be my guide If they gave me a fortune" (4 hours and 5 minutes ago)
  • Officer Sheaffer said "My virtue would be small I could lose it all tomorrow And never mind at all But if I should lose your love, dear I don't know what I'd do For I know I'll never find another you" (4 hours and 4 minutes ago)
  • Officer Sheaffer said "But if I should lose your love, dear I don't know what I'd do For I know I'll never find another you Another you Another you" (4 hours and 4 minutes ago)
  • Officer Sheaffer said "*Raises beer* Goodbye, my friends" (4 hours and 4 minutes ago)
  • Rockefella Plaza said "I approve of that spraypainting." (3 hours and 49 minutes ago)
  • Abi Suhono said "Thanks. ❤" (3 hours and 47 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "DJ Don here, we're looking at 5 hours left my friends..." (3 hours and 38 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLV4_xaYynY" (3 hours and 38 minutes ago)
  • minced beef face said "end of the world, guessed you gents wouldnt mind if i stopped off for a quick one" (3 hours and 34 minutes ago)
  • minced beef face said "its been emotional lads, hope the future is bright for you all" (3 hours and 33 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "web.archive.org/web/20050801003416/http://www.urbandead.com/" (3 hours and 29 minutes ago)
  • Mortenmensch said "Bravo Rocky, got any more material for us?" (3 hours and 21 minutes ago)
  • You heard a loud but muffled bellowing from inside the building. (3 hours and 19 minutes ago)
  • You heard a loud but muffled groaning from inside the building. (3 hours and 18 minutes ago) ...and again.
  • You heard a loud but muffled bellowing from inside the building. (3 hours and 18 minutes ago)
  • You heard a loud but muffled groaning from inside the building. (3 hours and 18 minutes ago) ...and again. ...and again. ...and again.
  • 27.53 MHz: "This one goes out to the Boys (and gals) of the Burch" (3 hours and 11 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKc_Ej8RiVs" (3 hours and 11 minutes ago)
  • You heard a loud but muffled groaning from inside the building. (2 hours and 57 minutes ago) ...and again.
  • Nick Self broadcast "This is Captain Nick Self ACC Echo 1 Retired." from here, on 27.53 MHz. (2 hours and 44 minutes ago)
  • Nick Self broadcast "God speed eveybody. Take care." from here, on 27.53 MHz. (2 hours and 44 minutes ago)
  • Nick Self broadcast "Have fun. And best wishes for the future." from here, on 27.53 MHz. (2 hours and 43 minutes ago)
  • Nick Self broadcast "Signing off from the Burchell Arms as a Regular." from here, on 27.53 MHz. (2 hours and 42 minutes ago)
  • Nick Self broadcast "Bye for now! X" from here, on 27.53 MHz. (2 hours and 42 minutes ago)
  • Nick Self broadcast "If you're ever in Wiltshire England." from here, on 27.53 MHz. (2 hours and 42 minutes ago)
  • Nick Self broadcast "Look me up at RAF Blakehill Farm Nature Reserve." from here, on 27.53 MHz. (2 hours and 41 minutes ago)
  • Nick Self broadcast "Over and out." from here, on 27.53 MHz. (2 hours and 41 minutes ago)
  • Red Hawk One broadcast "Gentleman, it has been a great pleasure playing with you." from here, on 27.53 MHz. (2 hours and 40 minutes ago)
  • Red Hawk One broadcast "For one final time, Red Hawk One, over and out." from here, on 27.53 MHz. (2 hours and 39 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "DJ Don here. Malton has 4 hours of time left..." (2 hours and 39 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "...slipping through the hourglass" (2 hours and 39 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dy4HA3vUv2c" (2 hours and 38 minutes ago)
  • AndyMatthews broadcast "Oh, we'" from here, on 27.53 MHz. (2 hours and 33 minutes ago)
  • AndyMatthews broadcast "Oh, we're definitely at 4 hours left?" from here, on 27.53 MHz. (2 hours and 33 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "Ladies and gentlemen, this is Joshua with Radio Wortley" (2 hours and 27 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "On behalf of all of us here at Radio Wortley," (2 hours and 27 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "Good afternoon, good evening, and good night." (2 hours and 26 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "3 and a half hours now , Sir, barring unforeseen events" (2 hours and 6 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "in the meantime" (2 hours and 5 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nntd2fgMUYw" (2 hours and 5 minutes ago)
  • Rockefella Plaza broadcast "What are you doing in that Nature Reserve?!" from here, on 27.53 MHz. (1 hour and 57 minutes ago)
  • MovingMad broadcast "Damn getting me in my feels" from here, on 27.53 MHz. (1 hour and 46 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "STREETS IS WATCHIN' ‮'NIHCTAW SI STEERTS" (1 hour and 45 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "It's the R complex, that central bit" (1 hour and 45 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "of prehistoric jelly that we inherited from the reptiles." (1 hour and 45 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "DJ Don here, 3 hours left and counting Malton..." (1 hour and 36 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LC2WpBcdM_A" (1 hour and 36 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "You're listening to WDRK from Rolt Heights and the road is" (1 hour and 8 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "nearing its end folks..." (1 hour and 8 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQiOA7euaYA" (1 hour and 7 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "This is Henry McCliff, reporting live from the Acourt. Thank" (56 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "you all for having been around, and sorry I haven't been as" (55 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "active as I hoped I would." (55 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "For now, tho, how bout some tunes to cheer us all up some?" (53 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwVCVWrkfiw" (52 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "That was Henry McCliff, godspeed to all a youse" (51 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "Thanks, Henry. This is DJ Don reminding you that" (38 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "STREETS IS WATCHIN…but only for 2 more hours" (38 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CnQ8N1KacJc" (37 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "Thank you for the tune, mate. Henry signin off at the Acourt" (34 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "Godspeed" (34 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "Henry McCliff 'ere... Looks like we can get one last tune in" (26 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "innit?" (25 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRhVk4wYgy8" (25 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "Thank you Zombra's Pub, thank you BAR, thank you Kevan" (25 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "godspeed - Henry" (25 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "DJ Don here...an hour and a half left..." (8 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "...I think I hear distant sirens outside the studio.." (7 minutes ago)
  • 27.53 MHz: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15UWm0okgvA" (7 minutes ago)
  • jaggeddragon broadcast "Urban Dead, you will be missed" from here, on 27.53 MHz. (1 minute ago)

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