04/15/2020 10:22:22: marven [29,76]
Party Boi


Stand upExit Marven Mall
South Blythville [29,76]

1 zombie

2 zombies
You feel drawn towards a block 5 blocks east and 1 south.

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South Blythville
World Map
You are inside Marven Mall. Trails of looted debris litter the floors and escalators. The shops are ruined, broken glass covering the fallen shelves. The building has been extremely heavily barricaded.

There is a powered-down radio transmitter here.

Somebody has spraypainted the disease COVFEFE-45 makes you turn orange onto a wall.

You trash one of the mall's remaining stores. The building is now ruined.

Possible actions:

As a zombie, you are unable to use the objects you are carrying.